The decision to conceive a child is a responsible step, even more so when it comes to using IVF, because success requires the coordinated work of the couple and the entire medical team. Both parties participate in the preparation for the procedure. Doctors carry out diagnostic and, if necessary, treatment measures, and the couple is required to take responsibility for their health and follow medical recommendations.
Medical examination of the couple is a indispensable component of preparation for in vitro fertilization. It is aimed at studying the general state of health of a woman and a man, a thorough study of the features of their reproductive system.
According to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 787, the examination of the couple before undergo IVF in the "Mother and Child" clinic covers:
For women:
· blood group test and Rh factor;
· clinical analysis of blood and urine — valid for 1 month;
· blood coagulation analysis (coagulogram) — valid for 1 month;
· blood glucose, biochemical blood analysis — valid for 1 month;
· blood test for rubella (IgM, IgG), toxoplasmosis (IgM, IgG), chlamydia (IgM, IgG), herpes (IgM), cytomegalovirus (IgM) — valid for 1 year;
· blood test for syphilis (RW), HIV, hepatitis B (Hbs-antigen) and hepatitis C — valid for 3 months;
· blood test for hormones (antimuller, FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin, progesterone, TSH) — valid for 1 year;
· cervical smear (RAP test) — valid for 1 year;;
· swab for microflora (bacterioscopic examination of secretions from the urethra, vagina and cervical canal) — valid for 1 month;
· electrocardiogram — valid for 1 year;
· Ultrasound of mammary glands — valid for 6 months.
The therapist's opinion about the woman's state of health and the absence of contraindications for carrying a pregnancy is issued based on the results of the examination, it is valid for 6 months.
For men:
· spermogram — valid for 6 months;
· MAR-test (analysis for antisperm antibodies) — valid for 6 months;
· blood group test and Rh factor;
· blood test for syphilis (RW), HIV, hepatitis B (Hbs-antigen) and hepatitis C — valid for 3 months;
· fluorography — valid for 1 year.
If necessary, women and men may be prescribed additional research.
Preparing: improving the body
To increase the chances of a successful conception, both the woman and the man should get their bodies in good shape. Each of the negative factors can turn out to be the reason that disrupts the perfect natural mechanism, so it is desirable to eliminate them.
· Harmful habits. Smoking (not only active, but also passive) and alcohol abuse impair the functioning of microvessels, and it negatively affects blood supply. Meanwhile, the proper functioning of the reproductive organs is impossible without a normal blood supply, which brings nutrition to the tissues. In addition, smoking reduces the production of the female hormone estradiol, which is responsible for preparing the endometrium for embryo implantation. Therefore, bad habits should be abandoned
· Sedentary lifestyle. The human body is poorly adapted to hypodynamia, regular physical activity is required for normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
· Overweight. Excess weight impairs the functioning of the entire body: adipose tissue contains female hormones that destabilize the hormonal background, because hormonal problems are often the cause of infertility.
· Imbalanced nutrition. Irregular nutrition, adherence to extreme diets, abuse of unhealthy food — all this deprives the body of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. And although no special diets are required, nutrition should be regular and balanced. If there are problems with this, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist, informing about the preparation for IVF.
· Vitamins. It is important to understand that vitamin preparations are not able to compensate for an unbalanced diet. If the nutrition is adjusted, then there may not be a need to take additional vitamins, so you should not take them just like that, "for prevention". If necessary, the doctor will prescribe specific vitamins (more often it is folic acid) in an individual dosage.
· Stress. Constant stress can cause infertility. To minimize its impact, it is very important to get a full night's sleep and follow a reasonable schedule of work and rest. Walks in the fresh air, meetings with friends, hobbies — everything that gives positive emotions help to develop stress resistance..
It is desirable that all these measures were not of a temporary nature, but became a life way, because good health is necessary not only during the preparation for IVF.