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Treatment of male infertility

Treatment of male infertility

In general statistics, male infertility occurs with approximately the same frequency as female infertility. Just like female infertility, male infertility is curable and absolute. In both cases, the problem is solved.

Male infertility causes

Infertility in men is associated with the following factors:

· Disturbance of sperm production.

· Sperm motility disorders and other defects.

· Violation of the delivery of spermatozoa into the female reproductive.

The main reasons leading to such problems are:

· chronic inflammatory diseases, in particular infections transmitted sexually (STIs);

· varicocele (varicose dilatation of testicular veins);

· testicular injuries;

· testicular tissue damage as a result of transferred epidemic parotitis;

· cryptorchidism (non-descension of testicles in the scrotum);

· testicular tumors;

· immune factor — antisperm antibodies that damage spermatozoa;

· violation of the patency of the vas deferens;

· hormonal disorders;

· genetic factor.

Male infertility diagnostics

In the diagnostics of male infertility, the most important are:

· General examination, physical examination and anamnesis taking.

· Spermogram is a study of ejaculate, during which the number of spermatozoa, their morphology, mobility and some other parameters are evaluated.

· MAR-test is a study that makes it possible to identify the immunological factor of infertility. The number of spermatozoa coated with antisperm antibodies (ASAT) and their ratio with normal spermatozoa are determined.

Based on the results of these studies, for the purpose of clarification, additionally:

· Ultrasound (ultrasound + dopplerography) of the scrotum — detection of varicocele and other pathologies of the testicles and their appendages;

· Ultrasound of the prostate gland;

· blood test for hormones (testosterone, prolactin, FSH, LH);

· post-ejaculation urine analysis — detection of retrograde ejaculation;

· bacteriological research, PCR — makes it possible to detect the infectious process and its pathogen;

· biopsy of the testicle — makes it possible to differentiate disorders of sperm synthesis and problems with their delivery;

· genetic testing — detects chromosomal abnormalities that affect spermatogenesis, as well as a number of hereditary syndromes associated with infertility.

In some cases, despite a thorough examination, the cause cannot be identified. Then it talks about male infertility of unclear genesis.

Methods of male infertility treatment

Treatment tactics are aimed at eliminating the cause of infertility and, if possible, restoring the man's ability to conceive. The methods are selected depending on the results of the diagnostics:

· Surgical treatment. Through the surgical intervention, the patency of the vas deferens is restored or varicose veins are removed. The mini-operation makes it possible to obtain sperm directly from the testicle in cases where there are no sperm in the ejaculate (PESA, TESA, TESE methods).

· Medication therapy. Through the medicines, inflammatory processes, including infectious ones, erectile dysfunction, and even some types of infertility caused by hormonal factors are eliminated.

If neither surgical nor medical treatment helps to restore fertility, the solution to the problem is ART, assisted reproductive technologies. For male infertility are used:

· IVF — in vitro fertilization;

· ICSI — Intracytoplasmic sperm injection;

· TESA, TESE — auxiliary methods that make it possible to obtain viable spermatozoa directly from testicular tissue;

· ART using donor material (IVF, ICSI, intrauterine insemination) — used when it is not possible to obtain high-quality spermatozoa, for example, at a high risk of hereditary diseases.

Treatment of male infertility at the "Mother and Child" Medical Center

The “Mother and Child” Medical Center has considerable experience in the treatment of male fertility disorders. We use advanced diagnostics and the most effective modern treatment, as well as unique prevention programs. This enables couples who have entrusted their health to us to complete the treatment course with the birth of a healthy baby.

The list of the most common causes of infertility, with which men turn to the medical center, and options for their solution:

· violation of the patency of the vas deferens — microsurgical intervention under ultrasound control to restore patency, TESA or TESE followed by ICSI;

· low sperm motility — lifestyle correction, medical treatment, ICSI;

· hormonal imbalance — hormonal therapy or IVF.

To get specialist’s advice, make an appointment and start your way to the long-awaited addition to the family, call the hotline of the information center or use the contact form directly on the website

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